Dear readers, we've had more commenters than posts since our dear friend Jack "went dark".
It was extremely tough to remember how to login to Blogger, and I haven't been able to get "M" back in yet. I wonder if Chloe can help us to hack in...(Chloe isn't dead, is she? I'm gonna need to review the scorecard.)
I may need to see if I can deadhead on a cargo plane to Chicagoland for the special on the 23rd.
"M" and Hubby's son "J" was an infant when we last saw Jack, and none of us worried about his little brain cells being affected by being cuddled in front of some extremely violent TV.
And he seems none the worse for the wear today, no violence (necessary or otherwise) against sock puppets, tiny little cars, or his cousins.
But alas, he's too old now to share our addiction to Jack. I'm telling "M", send him to Grandma and Grandpa's on Jack nights!
We'll see.