Sigh. I determined that I missed last week's first half, when apparently the bad guys decided to set off a dirty bomb probably not far from where I actually live, not because it was so boring, but because I was as sick as a dog.
The second half of the show involved me trying to hold my eyes open while a googly eyed kid in the thrall of the bad guys locked himself into an MRI machine while radioactive. Jack, of course, tried to talk him down, while simultaneously sending Renee back to his apartment so that he could be "there for her". (Huh.)
The President was bunker bound, the President of the Islamic Republic still up to his two faced shenanigans. His wife, we're hoping, is evil, since that would make her about the only potentially interesting female character on the show this season.
I mean, Nina? Jean Smart? Mrs. Palmer?
Sigh. The writers continue to create improbable incidents to get the characters from plot point to plot point: random food prep opportunities to put knives in people's hands; trips to bars in Jersey City to set others up to have their bodies dumped in a swamp.
When the plot points are improbable -- the incidents that glue them together should probably be a bit more probable!
But what do I know, I'm a yoga teacher!
Hope I'll catch up tonight.