- Dammit = 0
- Perimeter = 2
- Failures (by 2007 standards) of constitutional process >1
- Severed appendages found lying around in warehouses = 1
- Women proven to be stupid = 1 (who would conspire to a felony in the Bunker? wouldn't it be wired everywhere?)
- Women proven to be evil =1
- Hair gel substitutes identified = 1 (good call on the salt water, "M")
- Possibly nefarious cover-ups = 2 (Ricky covers for Milo; Tom covers for Evil Veep)
- Improbable use of family members as high level officials = 1
- Nukes launched = 1
- Nukes detonated = 0
- Use by a 24 cast member of the word "nucular" = 0
And did you guys see the preview? Tivo owners, please check to see if Jack is wearing a vest! "M" swears she saw the velcro.
Other open questions: where is the rest of the surving Bauer family (including Rena Sofer)? Is Logan dead for sure? If so, why no obvious plans for a state funeral? Is the Blonde Toady's name really Lisa? What in tarnation happened to the constitution of the United States between 2007 and 2012?
Is TEYOP going to survive this season??? Why is Chloe so quiet? And will we have to wait for next season to see Audrey again?
"M", when you get back from taking the dog for a W-A-L-K, please weigh in.
In the meantime, I'm putting a perimeter around my eyelids...it was a long day in my real (not virtual) life!