Tuesday, April 17, 2007

We're Not The Only Ones Who Think Jack's Very Bad Day is a Very, Very Bad Day!

Heather Havrilesky of Salon calls it "The Longest Day Ever".

"M", which season did we both stop watching? There was one season that "M" stopped watching after about 5 or 6 episodes..."A" lasted a few more than that. Maybe Season 4?
M's Comment: It was season three because I read the recap on Wikipedia (I love that site!) of major events and Sherry Palmer is DEAD TOO!!!

Of course, The 24 Blog is a kind of denial for us. If we're having so much fun poking at Jack and his cohorts, we don't have to admit that we have a problem: there might be no "there" there...

Say it ain't so.

On the other hand, though, after the Season We Quit, 24 came back strong. It's gonna be hard for a great comeback at this stage, though. So many of the great characters are gone (sob, we still miss Eggar) and others have been homogenized beyond the point of our interest (Chloe, Bill).

Say what you want about Michele and Tony. But self righteous Nadia and Milo the High School Sophomore...well they ain't no Michele and Tony!

And Jack has been turned into a snivelling whiner...because he wants his girlfriend back?

Havrilesky implies that old Jack would have killed his own Mom (not to mention handsome Curtis) to keep America safe. (Maybe that's what happened to Mom; Jack probably had some bad days before Season One!)

Now Jack is willing to risk the American people to recover Awwwdrey.

Thanks, Tai, for sharing the Salon article.


Free10007 said...

I forgot that Sherry was dead.

Bring her and Nina back for a throwdown!

(I'd pick Sherry.)

lpk said...

Oh that would be so bril!!!

lpk said...

I don't care what happens at this point, as I can't quit this season. I need to see it through. I'd like to say then that's it. I don't have to sit through another season like this, so I won't watch day 7. But I just know myself.!!! I'll have to see if they bring it back better!!!! AAAGGGHHHH!!! I'm afraid I'm hopelessly lost on it!!!!

Especially if they end on a big cliff hanger like they did last year (which of course they will!!!!!)>>
I'm such a tortured soul! May need a 12-Step Program for this!!!!! I wonder what one would say at one of those?

Relibbed said...

I think instead of being a friend of Bill W. you would be a friend of Jack B.

The only way I'll watch 24 is if we have the blog going *AND* they don't kill off Jack. If Jack goes, I go!

Obvious Adam said...

It goes something like this (dododolododa dream music)
Hi my name is "M" and for 24 hours I'm addicted to badly written television. I just can't seem to stop. Oh like everyone else I tried to give it up once, for awhile. But somehow I ended up back on that big screen horse. I've tried to replace it, reading books, doing crafts that sort of thing. But it all comes back to needing to see if one man can thwart all the terrorism forces of evil using only a manpurse and a PDA. He is kind of like McGyver with a better support system. Moreover, I know I have hit the bottom now because I have dragged my own sister into my addiction and have even tried to rope my Husband into my demented level of television. Even worse I needed more. I needed to expand to more multimedia using my computer to find people that shared my addiction, not for help or support, but to expand my addiction and spend hours only with those who, like me, feel the need to watch badly written tv. Please won't you help me? If you see me with a tv remote, take it away. If you hear me mention the names Curtis, Chloe, or Eggar just remind me that the same glowing box gave us the names Mr Belvider, Mrs Howell, and Barney. And if I insist that my next child be named Jack, regardless of gender, Please, please point out that no one has an unlimited pda battery.

Relibbed said...

Yes, this is why I love the hubby. He makes me laugh. This is the second time that he has written something totally hilarious. The other was about the library police coming to get me in Florida. It was very funny!

Relibbed said...

PS I meant twice in the past two days! Oops. I guess I should stop blogging! Have a good night!

Free10007 said...

Hubby, you crack me up, too!