Saturday, January 20, 2007

Recap from the mind like a sieve

Well, Jack has been released from Chinese prison, only to be sold to a terrorist. Turns out the terrorists (on more than one occasion) give out pivotal information about their evil plans. Jacula goes all David from Lost boys (Tag line to the movie: Sleep all day. Party all night. Never grow old. Never die. It's fun to be a vampire -- or Jack Bauer!) to escape the terrorist and to foil their eeevil plan of setting off nucular bombs in the cities.

Meanwhile Ahmed (Kumar), the apparent innocent kid (terrorist) next store gets the crap beaten out of him by the redneck neighbor. Turns out Kumar isn't so innocent. I can't remember any of their names. Kumar lets the mom go while the dad is out killing a guy for the bomb part. Dad gets the bomb part to the place, bad guy (Fayed?) orders Kumar to kill the boy. Thank goodness Jack arrives in time after speaking with mom (I think there is a love connection here -- but where is Audrey? Setting up a perimeter?). But I think the kid could have taken Kumar. He was eating the pain killers (from the injury of being thrown thru the glass coffee table) like they were candy.

So Jack and the good bad guy (Assad?) are getting ready to go after Assad gets his get out of jail free card from the POTUS and Curtis (sigh, handsome Curtis), goes rogue, just like we thought he would. But! We never thought that Jack would take him out! He should have popped in him the brachial nerve or cap him (knee cap). Jack Jack Jack, world of pain Jack. But on the other hand, we learn that he does have something in his stomach, because he hurls it up. Must be the terrorist blood from when he escaped. That can repeat on you as bad as Taco Bell.

By the way there is a poll on What terrorist body part can Jack easily bite off? You think I'm kidding????? I wish I was. I did almost peed my pants when I read that! ("A" added in the comments "Clearly, there weren't any women involved with creating this poll. They should have included a check box for "other"! " I thought that should be in the main body of this post.)I decided I better screen capture it just in case they took it off . Keep it for prosperity. Any way, I digress... It happens ooo look a chicken

In the end, Jack is in a world of pain (from now on known as a WOP), the bomb goes off and there are 5 more (I think).

Click here for the 2 minute recap on

NPR Story on Black Presidents

Love Elvis Mitchell...on this morning's Weekend Edition, he shares his view of black presidents as represented in American popular culture, and makes note of 24's Palmer dynasty.

He doesn't make mention of the apparently shortened lifespan of black men on 24. "M" and I can't be the only ones who notice???