Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Graem was ON Robocop

In "A" Previously on 24 post, she mentions Peter Weller, RoboCop. The Hubby said Paul McCrane was the gang leader on Robocop, Emil Antonowsky (he didn't know the name off the top of his head, we looked it up) ! The Hub also said that 24 Jumped the shark in season one about hour 4 or 5 when Jack's cell phone hadn't needed recharging.

Also while away on business, he asked me to find something on the internet. He sent the message to my phone, but I didn't see it until the next day. I responded finally. He wrote back and said that if I were Chloe, I would have sent the info to his pda AND have a perimeter set up! Oh well, I guess I really should work on my tech support. At least he doesn't do my reviews :-)