Sunday, January 17, 2010

Yoga Pose of the Week: Savasana

This week was a bit of a snooze. I pick savasana as our yoga pose of the week.

Paul Komarek, we heart you. And, you're hilarious. We're snagging this photo of savasana, final relaxation pose, from your "Yoga With Jeero" page. (Hopefully, since we're attributing this photo, it won't be a violation of the ethical precept of yoga, asteya, non-stealing.)

Recap, Hour 2 (and some of Hour 1, too)

Hair Gel moments = Abounding, in our middle eastern politicians.
Dammit = 2 (M thinks 5)
Women Proven Evil =0
Women Proven Stupid =0
Women Proven to Have a Secret = at least 2
Issues with Accent Integrity/Continuity = multiple!
"Not my problem" = 3 or 4 I lost count or can't remember

OK, here's where we stand 2 hours in. (Please let this be the last day of my life I spend with Jack! It has been 7 very long days for me, too. That's not my problem!)

Jack's not dead. We guess that the stem cell therapy worked after last season. Grampa Jack is about to go to LA with his family and do some security consulting (I'm sure that Blackwater, I mean Xe, can use him) and hang with his granddaughter.

There's a beautiful world of peace and love and an anti-nucular treaty about to be signed, all very very tenuously woven together with lies and charm and hairgel...but it won't get signed if someone kills the President of the Islamic Republic who looks suspiciously like Jack Lord in his Hawaii-Five O days.

His younger brother, very much like a plot of a Bollywood film, is in cahoots with a NYPD traffic officer who is actually a nefarious international criminal mastermind who can move seamlessly around Manhattan with heavy weaponry. (with his fabulous accents)

President McGarret has apparently been "interviewing" a hot blonde journalist. She's been set up to look like an insider who is going to try and kill the Pres.

Mme. President has been divorced, and sent her daughter off to jail. Ethan is still in the picture.

The new head of CTU, Hastings, is a total tool, and his second is another blonde (and one with a past). Our story opens up with a good agent not having adequate backup and losing a couple of colleagues in an improbable shoulder launched missile attack on a helicopter somewhere in Chelsea. Hastings tries to get the good agent (Cole) to lie about it, within Jack's earshot.

When Jack gets re-embroiled in this whole drama (and other than stuff blowing up, nothing interesting to report on this) he overhears this ethically slippery convo...and is able to use it later to sort of get deputized, armed and staffed with Chloe (who is kind of the low man on the totem pole in the new CTU, and treated as though she's worthless -- she'll show them!)

Jack Lord has a gorgeous wife whose furious with him, and a doe-eyed daughter who is certain to wind up as a hostage of her evil uncle.

As the hour closes, the evil cop is unable to get someone to switch shifts with him (I guess that mad criminal mastermind skillz only go so can't hack the duty roster) and is resorting to shooting someone's wife in the leg to get his way. (We've seen that one before.)

Jack's loaded up his man purse with weapons, and is ready to go.

Oh, yeah, there's another CTU analyst named Arlo whose a little slippery and probably knows more than he appears to. (Though I'm thinking that he's expendable. Remember Milo? And -- sob -- Eggar?)

We don't know (or can't remember, and possibly don't care) what happened to Tony, Renee, Janeane/Janis...we wonder if the President's husband is going to come back into the picture. We miss Eggar, The Twenty-Eight Year Old President, and kind of expect to see Morris, their kid and the kid's baboo...

That's as much as I can handle... (it's more than I can handle!!! I have to do it in 1 hour increments!! My other TV and Facebooking is suffering... I mean... My mob and farm are in a shambles)

Split Screen Montage

Oh, shooting a man's wife in the leg. Haven't we seen this one before?

Bloop, bloop!

Man Purse


Mike? Is he a Cop?


Chloe, can you hack in?

Come on, really?. they were saying she couldn't work the software, but yet she can hack Arlo's workstation??? And they can get good enough resolution to get a cab medallion?!?!?!? aaarrgggh

And how the hell did Bridezilla get such clearance at CTU and have a secret past!!!???? Jumping the shark a little early

I Can't Get The Hawaii Five-O Theme Out of My Head

The Hassan brothers both desperately need the ministrations of a high quality barber.

Kim, Usually Stupid

Now, she's the voice of reason. (Pretty probable that she got briefed so quickly. Does she still have security clearance?)

She knows it IS your problem, Jack. You're the one who saves the country. And that Hastings, while a babe, is a total tool. You can't possibly leave CTU in his hands.

You know I'm right!

ooo, another  "not my problem" and I have to say... Kim rethink the hair color.. your eye brows are WAY darker than your hair

Yeah, There's Something Going on With Bridezilla

2nd dammit. "A" you are getting rusty... this is #5

Where's Renee? And does anyone else think that the reporter and Jack might become an item?
No, the report is really in love with Hassan


I might have to nod off for a little while.

Ah, Haircut In the Cards

The younger brother is definitely going to be getting a haircut.

In jail.

(I still don't trust the CTU chick. Bridezilla's riding Chloe and I don't like it.)

OK, That's Not Jack

"It's not my problem." Hmmm.

And Hassan, definitely Jack Lord.

I know that there are barbers that make housecalls -- please, someone, call one for the younger brother, stat.
I think the brother and the wife have something going on!


Don't let them take you off your IT duties!!!
I'm with you... What is with Chloe!?! She's way smarter than this

Jack, you're missing that plane, stop fooling yourself.

I Actually Don't Trust Bridezilla

I think that she's the real Blonde Toady.

"M": I think she is preggers and Chloe is getting WAY annoying!

Oh, Please

And wouldn't Mme. President's Secret Service detail want her both disclosing the threat to Hassan, and to get the heck out of his orbit?

This is very silly.

I'm also taking umbrage with the story line about Chloe being a loser in the workplace.

(And Hassan's hairdo? Jack Lord.)

I concur on all counts! A dammit!!!

Hour 1 Recap

"A" yawning = About 18 times
Improbable NYC street scene = 1
Dammit =2 (M counted 4)
Bauer Kills = 2 (they were quality per M)
Women proven stupid = 0
Women proven evil =0
Times wished Eggar were still with CTU and Alive = innumerable
(And I didn't even get into the breach of diplomatic, security and all other worlds of protocol -- including good manners: Mme. President isn't going to tell the Islamic Republic President that there's a supposedly credible death threat?)
Dead Black Men = 0 (Hastings, I think we can agree that your days are're both handsome and African-American.)

Things are going to have to pick up. A lot! I got pretty excited when Jack said "Dammit" and "A" missed it!!!

A New Blonde Toady?

Only this one's really, really eeeevil?

Two quality kills by Jack!!

Nice use of a fire ax!!! Quality!

Dammit during the gun fight...

Another dammit by Jack! during the gun fight. I have the close captions on so I read it too. I can't have the TV too loud because of the kiddies

This is What I'm Talking About

First gunfight...and how did Victor get so perky all of a sudden? He was passed out!

Tower of Babel

Well, not quite. But it appears that every family member of in the President of the Islamic Republic has a different accent.

(And his younger brother looks like a character in a Bollywood film. I'm half expecting him to break into song!)

Jack, You Shoulda Hopped a Cab

This must be the longest 5 blocks's usually a block a minute on foot.

(Unless they're crosstown blocks, which doesn't seem logical given the destination is a heliport, should be on the river, and Jack started out pretty far west.)

Ah, the old field hospital in an unlikely alley-ish area. This can't have been filmed on location? Jack, I'm skeptical about you making that flight!

Jack had a Dammit!!!

He said Dammit when his informant collapsed in the garbage pile! I think "A" missed it!!! But now I"ve lost count... too tired!



There's a lot of setting up going on. Only 2 dammits, Jack hasn't even discharged his weapon...


Who Is Jack Bauer?

What rock has that guy been under?

"M": aw, give the kid a break, what is he... 12??

And CTU, Back in Business?

Dammit! Second dammit, Chloe.

Sweet office!!!!!

Brothers From Another Planet?

Or at least two different countries...they have totally different accents.

"M" Says: it soulnd like he's saying "I've done nothing weckless"

Really? Now is that weapon safety?

The guy that got shot, just placed a cocked gun in his pants after stalking and skulking outside Jack's building. REALLY?


I can't remember if he's dead or not...

I'm Laffing

Ah, that middle eastern long-haired kid, not so disarming. Just the kind of repartee that takes place in these meetings.

And not-so-evil Ethan, back by the side of President Cherry.

It looks like we're on the verge of peace!

(But what was that shifty look that Ethan gave?)

And the Bauer family is making like the Brady bunch.

(Things can't be this smooth for Jack, though, can they?)

Serious hair gel moment says "M"

First Dammit

From someone who appears to be a bad guy.


Season 8?

Oh, crap. You mean Jack didn't die at the end of last season?

We have to spend another day of our lives with Jack, Kim, Chloe? Madame President? (Will we see Oilivia in an orange jumpsuit?) What about Janeane/Janis -- is she in or out?

Renee, stupid or evil, yawn?

I can't remember if Will Patton is dead or not. "M" and I totally heart Will. If he's back, I'm in...otherwise, I'm Missouri. Jack and his little team are going to have to show me.

Aw, is Jack getting teary?

I think he's going to cry!!! I guess 7 days of getting tortured, poisoned, beat, shot, blown up has taken it's toll on poor Jack. He said not my problem about three times.