Monday, May 07, 2007

Recap 2-3 AM

"For the last 21 hours, you have wonder how this season will end" More like for the last 21 hours we wondered if this season would *EVER* end! We have also wondered if we could call that phone number to tell the writers that they should step away from the organic blue corn tortilla chips and red bull and leave the writing to us and the Friends of the 24 Blog!

Here is the recap:
  • Dammits = 1 (I think we probably missed some. Kate, Tai or LPK, did we?)
  • Perimeters= 2
  • Jack begging= 1
  • Steamy Glances= 2 (Doyle and Nadia, Marilyn to Jack (unreciprocated))
  • Lip trembling by Jack= 0 (but we missed it last week; it happened when Heller was telling Jack to stay the heller away from Awwdrey! thank goodness for the recap at the beginning.)
  • Characters who bought some hair gel= 1 (Phil - "A" thinks he could use it with a bit more skill)
  • Eeewww = 3 (Chloe & Morris, Nadia and Milo and Doyle, Blonde Toady and TEYOBF)
  • Number of episodes= 2, we think, but the finale may be 2 hours
  • Mentions of Hair gel in posts= 2
  • Times we repeated each other's thoughts=2 at least
  • Number of times we pinched ourselves to stay awake= 7 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  • Number of times "A" was glad that nobody stuck her left hand into a bowl of warm water = 65
  • CTU Casualties = a handful, but we are talking about Milo here. Sad... we don't think that we will miss him. Certainly not like we miss Eggar!
  • Number of missed guesses as to who the package was = 3 - we guessed Chloe, Jack, Morris
  • Times wondered "Whhhyy are we still watching this season?"= countless
  • New terrorists who are HOT = 1

Questions we have:

Where is BILL!? We think that he couldn't find a sub for his yoga class so the writes obliged him and wrote him out of the rest of the season

Where is Jack's mom? Where is Karen? Are they one and the same? Where is Peter Hock (can you say Cameo appearance)?

Where did they take Awwdrey? Where is the TEYOP? Is he doing better? Are Sandra and Walid visiting him?

How long until the Blonde Toady is killed?

Where is the hubby's man purse? Still within easy reach. No medi-interrogation kit, but it does contain a few diapers.

Some of our questions were answered:

Phil stopped for some hair gel as we hoped. The Spawn of Bauer and Marilyn have returned, along with Marilyn and her smouldery glances.


That is all I have. Did I miss anything good?

Jack's Dad

His hair looks like it has grown during the course of today...and he still needs some hair gel!

Of course he is behind the Chinese. Can you say, "nefarious"?

But wait, wasn't he also behind the Russians?


looks like he stopped at Walgreens!!


How is it this guy sounds better on the intercom than a CD, and I can't tell if I'm getting a fish sandwich or fresh grubb worms at McDonalds?


This is so horribly predictable. Come on. I could write for this. Writers step away from the red bull!

Thank goodness there is only 2 hours left. Is it a 2 hour finale? I hope so!


Kill everyone ENDING with you. These writers don't know how to kill properly.

Marilyn, Stop Your Whining.

Is Josh like a timebomb, like we think Awwdrey might be?

Jack's dad is too nefarious!

If Josh was really Jack's son, don't you think he would have let the Chinese shoot Marilyn?

Split screen montage...

Excuse Me

JACK, not a good idea to use your only automatic rifle to stop a fan!

Oh, Is Josh The Package?

Can he hack the circuit board?

I always say, it sure would be nice to have a teenaged boy around the house in order to figure out how to program my VCR, figure out how to more smoothly categorize music on my Ipod...

I'll have to wait until "J" and "T" get a little older to help out old aunt "A"!


Is spawn of Bauer the package?!?!?

And Jack, that weapon has laser sightings, you don't need to keep it up to your eye. Especially YOU, you are the best shot EVER

Chivalry isn't dead

Milo really loves Nadia. OOO that is going to leave a mark! I guess Milo wasn't evil. He was just a moody 17 year old boy in a man's body

Jack Keeps on Upgrading On the Weapons Front

And Milo, serving as acting director...I think that was a fatal lie. If a noble one


Is that guy from Division ever gonna arrive? Where is Division?

(And where is Karen? Are Spawn of Bauer and Marilyn out yet, or will Jack have to rescue them, too?)

I want to know...

What the Chinese guys are saying. Someone get "whenpigsfly" on the phone.

Go Jack Go Jack

There is your weapon Jack! And your automatic weapon. Not to mention the kill count is going up

Nadia, You Blew It!

Your navel gazing just cost CTU!

Someone, let Jack out! He's the only one who can fix this mess!

Milo, Trying Not to Be Petulant

What? Nadia, Milo, trying to process Nadia's acension from tech support to interim CTU lead, and the attendant shift of her, um, attentions, from someone she was just chewing face with in the server room to the moody guy who reads the Upanishads and the Koran...

Yeah, Nadia, talk about it wth Milo.

While the bad guys are burrowing into CTU!!! Where is that guy from Division!???

Description of the cars

They were green and glowing and they had very bad Chinese men (but handsome) in them.

I could hack CTU

I totally could hack them. Everyone can! Milo knows that something is up. He can feel his jealous spidey senses tingling.

Now Here's Something I Didn't Catch

Is Blonde Toady truly evil (other than being the far right wing fundamentalist scary Republican), or is she just a slut?

Did she conspire with the Twenty-Eight Year Old Boyfriend, or was she just stupid? I'm not sure where shacking up with Evil Veep comes in on the stupid/evil scale. ("Eeeew" doesn't factor into that continuum.)

I think that TEYOBF is going to kill Lisa. And Tom is going to watch it on TV.

(and BTW, even though I don't swing that way...Republican I mean...some of my good friends do. Not that there is anything wrong with that! I find the far, far right ideologues a little bit scary...)

The blonde toady

She is so much more smooth than she is playing it right now. I think that she is going to rat the Evil Veep and Tom out to the TEYOBF. And what is Tom doing in the surveillience vehicle?!?!?

And come ON, she could say she has to go potty! That always puts the breaks on *that* kind of thing!


I really think that she is the package. This will even out what she said to Eggar, I mean Morris

Doesn't the Music Even Sound a Little GH?

And what is with Chloe and Morris recounting their entire interaction of last episode in this little discussion?

Very daytime soaps!

Nadia, It's Doyle!

She never calls him Ricky, or Doyle.

We have no clue what happened at Denver, yet. Do we?

"Chinese are planning a major assault." "An assault on what?"

Wake up Nadia, what is left to assault but CTU???

(Other than perhaps the backlot where the 24 writers are dosing on the Red Bull and Organic Blue Corn Tortilla chips!)


I don't think they hit the perimeter since they are going underground.

Nadia... Assualting what.... KABOOM I predict.

Obtain "The Package"?

Is Morris, or Jack "The Package".

I'm trying to both let go of, and figure out how to comedically use, the phrase "the package". I'm not feeling it.

It's the Evil Veep's jar with his balls in it on Nadia's desk, says M

Surgical Strike

Just like when we go holiday shoppping!!! Hhahahaha

Marilyn, I Prefer My Women to Be a Bit More "Quest for Fire"

Marilyn is too well acquainted with hair gel for Jack's current tastes.

So, now, are the Chinese breaking into CTU while everyone is at the copper factory???

Who is the target? Morris again or Chloe? M asks

The hubby said...

There is nothing like a Evil Veep Scorned. (He is still getting all logged in)

President Suvarov?

Why don't we just get Jean Smart to call Mrs. Suvarov again>

And Evil Veep making EXACTLY the point I would make to Blonde can't lie to TEYOBF? (He is hot! The bad guys always are.)

Oh please, BT...butter wouldn't melt in your mouth!

Marilyn is Thinking...

"Awwdrey is still alive? I'm going to kick her @$$!!!"

What's the upside to Chloe for revealing this intel to Rena? I mean Marilyn?

OK, We all Know That I Have to Eat

So I waited to log on until I was done with dinner. I also noticed: it is much easier to pay attention when I'm not blogging! (My yogic studies would agree: multi-tasking is bad, very bad.)

So we're going to see Jack's dad tonight? And James Heller is going to file a restraining order against Jack (because the courts are open at 2am...even in the wake of a nucular explosion).

And the Russians are going to bomb US because we screwed up with the Chinese? That is freaking irrational.


Nadia and Ricky

I called that steamy glance. The bonus was Milo looking all jealous!

Okay, more bonuses... the hot Chinese guys!!! YOW!


We have had a Dammit, Begging, uplinking to PDAs and a perimeter alli n the first 5 minutes. It should be a good show!