Sunday, November 23, 2008

What do "M" and "A" Want for Christmas?

Maybe the DVD of 24 Redemption?

No, nothing that easy to deliver. Instead, we want a 24 holiday special. A Very Special Episode of 24. Kim making spiced cider for everyone Jack just rescued, Audrey coming back to meet Jack under the mistletoe...maybe a cameo by Bobby Brady, you get the picture.

OK, here's the recap.

Dammit = 1
Stupid Women = ?
Evil Women = at least one
Handsome Bad Guys >1 (though because M wasn't watching, we didn't count)
Loose Ends for the Full Season?
. UN Guy, he's still not dead
. The President's Son is definitely in Danger
. Tony is apparently not dead. What about Nina?
. And "M" read on Dave Barry's site that Dave won't believe that Audrey is dead until they stake her.
. Jack's Body Count? At least 15 or 16. Sadly, no sign of the guy from the Jack Bauer 24 Kill Count website...
. What about Chloe and Morris? If Tony comes back, can we please see Eggar again, even if it is a dream sequence?

And will Jack be able to get some sleep on the copter? He's gonna need a nap before his next Very Bad Day!

Signing off for now. "M" and I will be together over Christmas. Maybe we can put seasons 1-6 on at 8X, watch the whole shebang in a day, and we'll then be able to remember who is dead and who is alive!

Jack, You Did The Right Thing

The New President needs you.

("M" just Skyped something similar.)

(After all, The New President is either stupid or evil! So America totally needs you.)

Uh, that was slightly less than 2 hours, wasn't it?

"M" is Still Frozen, but Skyping Her Input

Woot! She's cheering. She can't wait for Obama's inauguration. She says she'll probably cry.

I'll tell her to reboot.

De Tocqueville? Did the writers of 24 take a Western Civ course, or maybe American history, since season 6?

Trammell You Dog

Jack's first Dammit!

"M"'s Browser is Now Frozen

That's because she was reading Dave Barry's Blog instead of posting here.

Dave, you were our inspiration. Glad you're out there.

(I haven't looked at the Jack Bauer 24 Kill Count site to see if they are still out there.)

Is the President's son going to be shot? Is that going to be the linchpin of Jack's Next Very Bad Day?

I'd Like to Hear Hubby's Take

On how Jack can defend against automatic gunfire with just a sidearm. (Isn't that what a little gun is called?)

"M", Where is Hubby?

Is he reading to "J"?

The Robert Carlyle Character is a Yogi

Keeping his balance while being shot...and he's going to take as many bad guys with him as he can.

Yet another handsome bad guy

and is the other good guy with Jack South African or Irish? Jack always the man's man. Never looks back after he says good bye to his comrade.

Jack Needs To Learn

When he tries to bail, bad things happen.

30 minutes to go, everything is gonna get wrapped up, right?

"M" is now watching, she just turned on the TV two commercial breaks ago...we're also live chatting via Skype.

Oh, no. If Robert Carlyle goes, Jack will be all the kids have.

And, As I Predicted...

...Chris is toast.

No Problem Joking About the US portion

No problem figuring out -- the babe who is boinking the president's son is gonna be evil.

She works with Chris, and after the bad guys dispatch him, she's going to have to "recover" the files that got sent to the president's son.

More Tasteless Than Usual

The 24 Blog is, by definition, pretty tasteless. It is a comedy blog about a violent TV show.

But this episode lends itself even less to tasteless (but funny) humor -- the subject matter can't lend itself to any kind of fun-poking.

Lord knows, as a longtime resident of lower Manhattan, I know more about domestic terrorism than I would wish on anyone. For some reason, I could still laugh at the antics of Jack, Evil Veep, TEYOP, Blonde Toady, and the pantheon of Women of 24, whether stupid or evil. Even though I could either imagine (or remember) the kernel of truth that makes 24 watchable -- and on some cartoonish level -- almost believeable.

But I can't laugh at this.

Maybe it is because there are kids involved.

This Guy Chris Is Toast

Jon Voight is going to have him erased.

Oh, back to Africa. I guess that Jon Voight is the guy who financed these child-abusing rebels.

Hmmm. The plot thickens.

(And UN guy, he's definitely going to buy it, during this episode, don't you think?)

UN Guy is A Total Idiot

Thank goodness they will have Jack with them. I knew he wouldn't let them take the bus alone.

That UN guy is going to have to get some kind of redemption of his own. He'd better stay off my turf, or I'll have to kick his ass myself.

I'm still hungry, no steak in the house . (Duh, I forgot, I'm vegetarian.)

Bring on the granola!

"M", are you there? is little "J" in bed yet?

Jack is Back!

It's a good thing that toady-ish dark haired guy from the UN went underground with the kids. He would have given them up in a second.

Way to go with the fake crying, Jack. (I'm watching with closed caption, and it said, "blubbering".)

And way to go with the killing the guy while all 4 limbs are bound! Jack is totally back!

Commercial Break, Whew

I haven't had enough to eat today. I grabbed a yogurt & some granola, but I don't know. I'm kind of feeling "steak"...

This is What We Were Expecting

Jack has got to outrun automatic weapons, rocket launchers, and fight off about what, 18 guys?

Go, Jack! This is nothing compared to some of the jams you've been in before!

Ah, Here's Jack's Opportunity to Act All Redeemy

He can't leave now.

And the sad thing is, stuff like this has gone on in the world. I'm sensing some homework I'm gonna have to do about Sudan and Somalia between now and the beginning of next season.

Last Minute Presidential Power Grab

I hope W doesn't do this to Obama!

We have enough issues out here in real life, and with our real wars, to not be initiating any secret ones.

2 Hour Format - more complaints

How are we truly going to be able to tell who is stupid and who is evil?

Son of the new president's girlfriend? Evil
New President Cherry Jones? Hmmm. Apparently stupid.

Evil Veep, I forgot that you're the president! (outgoing.) Since last season, I've watched all of Deadwood on Netflix. I know that your face actually moves: you were awesome on that show!

World of Pain

Poor Jack, he's in a world of pain.

But I'm not worried. It is called "Redemption", they can't vote him off the island this early in the episode without showing some redeeming action.

Kill count still equals 0. It can't stay that low for long!

Jon Voight?

Maybe Angelina Jolie will be on, too!

Shouldn't it be Called "2"?

How is Jack going to redeem himself in 2 hours?

Didn't he kill his own father? Or was it his son? Or was it his boss? (I hope I don't have to waste 6 days of my life watching Netflix reruns of Jack to remind me of who is dead and who isn't.)

(Especially since some of the people who were dead will apparently be back. Didn't "M" and I call the return of Tony? Were the writers reading our blog during the writer's strike? If you're reading, bring back Eggar, s'il vous plait.)

"M"? "M"? Are you there?

It is time to start live blogging 24 again!

"M" has a bad cold, so I don't know if I'm flying solo or not. I think we figured out how to be back online again.

Welcome back, I hope that all 8 of our old former friends are out there somewhere in TV land!


Finally Jack is back. I'm excited to see that Jack is going to be saving "innocent children"!! "A" and I will be watching :-)