Sunday, March 18, 2007

Public Service Announcement From The 24 Blog

It is already daylight savings time here in the US. (Not until next weekend for the rest of the world.) (And for the record, "A" thinks that the whole thing is bogus and against nature.)

On a serious note, though, now is a good time to change the batteries in your smoke detectors/fire alarms. While you're at it, if you have kitchen or workshop fire extinguishers, check to make sure they haven't passed their expiration dates.

Why? Because otherwise, "M" and I will have to ask Chloe to patch us through to Jack. Jack gets mighty angry when people's families aren't adequately protected.

If Jack has to pay you a visit, he won't be happy -- and neither will you.

(And I found this photo on the blog Metanoiac.)