Monday, March 30, 2009

Yoga Pose of The Week: Improbable Inversion

"M" picked this pose, which should not be attempted by, say, anyone? I can't even figure out what it is, it is a combination of several things.

(This yogini, from "" is executing whatever pose it is beautifully. But I'm quite worried about her neck. You pretty much don't want to do that.)

Kind of like this week's episode. "M", you picked a flipping genius pose. Improbable, dangerous, and impossible to believe.

"M" also points out that this pose goes well with the rave music.

For now, I'll say no more.


And I gave up reading to the lil man for this???

Jack is probably going to go and save the day!

I'm too disgusted to go through a recap personally...... There were no dammits, Dammit!

OK, I'll recap
Perimeter =0
Dammit =0
Bauer Kills =0
Women Proven Stupid/Evil =0

Handsome Black Men =1
Dead Handsome Black Men =2
Jack in a WOP = at least 2
"M" and "A" simultaneously posting the same thing =1 (and once we said it to one another via phone
Improbable phone convos between low level toadies and President = 2
Hair Gel Moments=0
Tony Needs a Facial Hair Intervention = Totally

We need someone to do an intervention with the writers. Bring them back their Red Bull and Annie's Cheddar Bunnies. We've invested some serious time in this season, and there ain't gonna be no bailout!

Anything else, anyone"


I guess that the FBI didn't have enough back up with them to contend with 1500 mercenaries because why?


Is he a bad guy? (Oldest trick in the book is to shoot one of your own guys...)

Boy, Tony sure gave him the Mean Face.

Uh, Stupid Question

Shouldn't they be wearing hazmat gear?

More odd music!

It sounds like a rave!

Can You Say, "Uneven"?

The Women of the 24 Blog pow-wowed at the commercial break. How can this week's episode be so lame, after the sharp uptick in the quality of last week's show?

We've had a couple of these false starts this season. Sigh...

Jack, your brain...

Is about to turn into a sponge, man. take a break!!!!

WOP !! Jack is in a World Of Pain

Just send the SEALs!!`

Stop with the FBI already. the SEALs would be better trained for this type of CovOp

"A" votes for either the local CERT team, or the Marines.

Larry On The Line For The President


And I'm not pleased that Larry is saying this in front of Oilivia. (And the Pres. and military acting on Larry's gut feeling that Greg and Tony are honest agents?)

The Janeane/Janis character is deeply disappointing. There isn't much time for her to develop a personality, whether stupid or evil.

Straining Incredulity

Is this how Tony would really react?

In the flat org structure world where Moss can call the President, can't he also offer Greg immunity?

(We heart David Palmer...we're seeing him on an Allstate commercial right now. He's a babe.)

Renee Wants To "Debrief" Jack

Nudge nudge, wink wink

Now stop being such a girl and get back to work.

CJD is very serious

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease a scary disease. This could be how they end it for Jack!

There's No Cure!


The Writers Are Totally Slipping

It's like they took a nap after last week's rally. (Like the stock market today.)



Oh, Yeah

1500 mercenaries are nothing compared to our own forces. I'm simultaneously laffing and offended on behalf of the warriors in my life.

I'm Concerned

Another handsome Black man. Ben, you'd better get your affairs in order.

M says... oh yeah, very handsome! I give him to the end of the show, unfortunately


I hope he stays!!! and figure her out! Olivia, leave him alone. he's been shot!!!


Eeeew! Age inappropriate and she's not trustworthy.

You have to take this just to protect Madame President from Oilivia!

Larry, Stop Snivelling

Here's Larry, gong all chick on Renee.

And she's able to curtail her chick-ness and cowboy up. You go.

"M" Says.. Larry needs to be slapped. and would Moss be telling renee all this stuff??? She is suspended


Oilivia has an awesome smirk.

And, once again, Agent Moss is on with Madame President. Where is the flipping Director?

And 25th Amendment alarm! The President is accepting the soap opera explanation of the entire season from Agent Moss.

"M" Says... really now... Olivia, you aren't going to say No to your mother are you?" And again, I don't know that it would be in the hands of Agent Moss!!

OK, This is True To Life

CDC chick doesn't know what the compound is, but she's declaring no danger to the general public.

Yeah, I've seen that before.


Is Greg on Tony's team? (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)

Any Tony, styling on the facial hair...again

2319 2319

Has anyone else seen Monsters, Inc.. They are doing a 2319 on Jack!! Come on... is that all they are taking off????


That power hose was aimed at some pretty tender places.

Finally, they've explained the Sangala thing -- so soapy that I'm blowing bubbles. I wonder if Erica Kane will appear on the next episode!

And speaking of ouch, what is up with the ordinary beating up type of torture? Why don't we pull the old medical interrogation?

Previously on 24: 10pm - 11pm

Sigh, it really is more difficult to remember the action when a whole week goes by between viewing the show and writing this post.

I will say that this episode hinted at some of what first sucked "M" and I into what might be called called fandom. (Uh, well, "M" thinks that Kiefer is hot; "A" thinks he's not.)

On one hand, nothing blew up and the end of the world seems to be at least 60 minutes away. On the other hand, you have evil family members; a vast and well organized terrorist conspiracy with apparent ties to good guys (do we really think that Jack's Dad is dead? what really happened when that oil platform blew up? it would be a real twofer if Bauer Senior was Olivia's biological dad...); some kind of weapon that will inevitably have to be defused to save the world; Jack and Tony on the prowl together again...and a few loose ends have been swept up -- we have confirmed that Oily Olivia is evil, and the First Man story line may be over...we hope.

Here's what I remember. Jack and Tony rendez-vouz to head over to some shipping yard. On the way over, Tony suggests that they call the FBI for backup. Jack says, no.

When they get there, they quickly intuit that security guard with an expensive medical bill has conspired with bad guys he thinks are only robbers. Oops, it turns out that they are picking up some WMDs that have somehow arrived undetected. (Despite the friction free flow of information about Tony and other "chatter", the FBI seems to get no intel about anything the bad guys might do...sigh.)

Jealous Larry tells possibly Evil Ethan (I can't let it go -- where DID he go during the 30 minute siege on the White House? 7-11 for a Big Gulp?) that Jack has killed the Senator, based on nothing other than his own failure to understand what Renee sees in Jack.

After a gratuitious scene back at West Arlington Hospital where the First Man checks in via phone with the president, hopefully wrapping up that story line soap style: you were right, honey; Honey, I'm going to make a full recovery. Buh-bye, First Man, see ya next season. (Maybe he'll be running for President. It happens.)

Ethan resigns, telling Mme. President that he is soon to be outed for his role in letting Jack into the ex-Goldman banker's hospital room. Ethan and Mme. President hold hands for just a little bit too long, but she lets him go. We still don't know where the Veep has been. (I'm thinking bunker.)

There's also an odd scene of Ethan and the President's nasty lipwear challenged and none-too-resourceful daughter, Oilivia, parting. We start to wonder if Ethan might actually be her way it's the First Man.

Oilivia turns out to have leaked news stories about Ethan. D'oh. I guess that this is going to turn out badly.

The head of the dastardly rogue organization Starkweather, Daddgelina, throws out some odd one liners, but we finally learn the cause of his major trauma: he's disappointed that he has this group of well trained (and hot!) rogues, and the US Government does not want to make use of them. Therefore, he's gonna change the name of the company to Xe.

Oops, that's real life. I mean, he's going to wreak havoc with America, by terrorizing and killing citizens. He woodenly proclaims that this is not what he wants to do -- it is what he must do.

But there's corporate intrigue, too. Daddgelina shows that he's a rogue times two, the board totally didn't approve having Quinn off the Senator.


Jack, Tony, and the hapless security guard try to outwit the terrorists. Jack seems to be showing cracks in the armor that let him send a diner waitress of to her death at the hands of a handsome terrorist, and blows their cover to save the security guard.

(It must be noted that the diner waitress comes off as a more credible warrior than the security guard, who slithers off, rather than buying it.)

There's shooting, there's some Bauer Kills (a reliable source says 3), and Jack hi-Jacks an 18-wheeler containing the WMD, revealed to be a bioweapon. Tony is somehow known to the other terrorists (because they apparently don't believe in true "cell" organizational structure? because they are Facebook friends?) and they for some reason decide that he'll be a good hostage.

Moss has decided to look at the evidence, and realizes that Jack might not have killed the Senator. (Because Jack for some reason wouldn't have had access to the cool weapons technology that the now-staked Quinn had used?) So he and Renee are speaking again. Renee randomly and inexplicably decides to share her intel about what Jack suspects and where he is heading.

After Jack drives off, he calls Larry for help. (I'm not sure how it evolved from a bad idea to a good one in 20 minutes time.) Larry agrees to come on over.

Jack then realizes that one of the bioweapons is leaking. He holds his breath and jumps into the back of the truck to close down that leak. When he gets out, he is assailed by land and air, and Starkweather somehow manages to pull the bioweapon out of the top of the 18 wheeler (giant can opener and magnet?) leaving Jack behind, alive. (They must have had a lojack on the hijacked shipment.)

WTH? I guess the writers figured that the next 9-10 hours of our lives in the 24-verse need Jack.

Jack then calls his new BFF Larry and tells him that the bioweapon is on the move, and they both figure it's headed for Starkweather's compound. But Larry can't assault that site without due process.

Jack tells him to send over some doctors, he's been exposed to the bioweapon.

Speaking of sweeping up, in the previews, the shirtless Jack is being hosed down and scrubbed with a broom...

But we don't know what has happened to Chloe and Morris, Aaron, TEYOP, the Veep (current one or Evil one), no word on when Kim will show up (probably having also borne a child) or when we might see Nina again.

Bloop, bloop...see you in a few hours.