Monday, April 02, 2007

Another Day In The Bunker: 24 Recap

Another hour of 24. OK, "M", I'll start:

  • Dammit = 0
  • Perimeter = 2
  • Failures (by 2007 standards) of constitutional process >1
  • Severed appendages found lying around in warehouses = 1
  • Women proven to be stupid = 1 (who would conspire to a felony in the Bunker? wouldn't it be wired everywhere?)
  • Women proven to be evil =1
  • Hair gel substitutes identified = 1 (good call on the salt water, "M")
  • Possibly nefarious cover-ups = 2 (Ricky covers for Milo; Tom covers for Evil Veep)
  • Improbable use of family members as high level officials = 1
  • Nukes launched = 1
  • Nukes detonated = 0
  • Use by a 24 cast member of the word "nucular" = 0

And did you guys see the preview? Tivo owners, please check to see if Jack is wearing a vest! "M" swears she saw the velcro.

Other open questions: where is the rest of the surving Bauer family (including Rena Sofer)? Is Logan dead for sure? If so, why no obvious plans for a state funeral? Is the Blonde Toady's name really Lisa? What in tarnation happened to the constitution of the United States between 2007 and 2012?

Is TEYOP going to survive this season??? Why is Chloe so quiet? And will we have to wait for next season to see Audrey again?

"M", when you get back from taking the dog for a W-A-L-K, please weigh in.

In the meantime, I'm putting a perimeter around my was a long day in my real (not virtual) life!

TEYOP is not himself

That can happen with brain injuries and strokes.....

("A" adds, and also when you're getting injected with, um, "adrenaline"...see comments...)

(Hulk image from Wikipedia.)

The one armed man did it


Maybe the saltwater will help with Gradenko's hair?

The doc is going to the Evil Veep

The hubby called that...

Is Adrenalin Really The Answer?

Surely they've got more subtle drugs they can prop TEYOP up with.

And way to go, Gradenko, manoevering Fayed into some kind of biker bar! Very sneaky.

But now he's looking awful. Salt water can't feel too good on what is left of his arm. This is kind of sad, he looks horrible! (He can't possibly still do anything bad, can he? Maybe someone Eeeevil is coming to pick him up, they're driving up to the beach on a jet ski?)

Tom, maybe not such a good guy after all. He's going to hold that information on Evil Veep and use it to his advantages.

And "W" is impaired after all! Deciding to launch the nukes, what is up with that?

A surprise ending usually leads to a split screen montage...


First one in weeks!

"M" is Clairvoyant!

You totally called the arm-putation!


Once they stop Gradenko's arterial bleed, can someone please get the man some hair gel!!?

Perimeter... Jack is pinned down

But at least he is on Point and that was a quality kill.

Fayed is going to get his ass kicked by the blue collar white guys...

Nice kick. The hubby said "Everyone stop hurting my prisoner, that is my job!!"

I Think That Jack Got a Haircut!

Or maybe he just found some hair gel.

they are going to cut off his arm!


8:48 PM I cannot believe I was rightity right!

Then as "A" mentioned, Jack told the tac team to try to "cut him off". Too late! LOL

I'm Worried About "W"

He doesn't look so good. I'd like to see him make it through the season.

Wayne, what a team player. He won't take any actions against anyone who voted against him. He's been reading Sun Tzu...the 24 writers must have done a lot of reading in their Asian Civ classes.

Where are Chloe and Morris? Can't Chloe read the text that Gradenko just got?

Chaka Khan in the Visa Commercial?

Was that Chakka Khan in the Visa commercial ("Downtown")? The hubby thinks it may have been!

bloop bleep.......


Numbers Guy, Showing His True Colors

Tom, showing that he is going to bleed red, white and blue when the Evil Veep has him whacked.

Does Tom really think that he can win this one? By telling Evil Veep to make a phone call to the Supreme Court? (Hello, is Anton there?)

The Evil Veep is thinking, "I'm going to have a facial expression before I make that call!" (He's probably trying to avoid Ruth Bader Ginsberg anyways. Rumor has it she always hits on him!)

What is the evil Veep's assistants name?

Is it Monica? I swear she was about to confess her love to the Evil Veep!

Tom, the weenie. Way to go!! Nice plant of the bug!!!

Sandra Palmer, Attorney at Law

Sandra is now serving as some kind of official attorney? (Kind of like Rudy plans to use his wife's services on health care when heck freezes over, I mean when Giuliani is elected president.)

Blonde Toady..."the end justifies the means"...agreeing to lie to the Supremen Court proves that that she's evil. (And possibly also stupid.)

And were those smoldery glances between the Evil Veep and Blonde Toady?

Fayed, You're Resilient!

We thought he took a bullet in the throat.

Karen breathe, deep cleansing breaths

The hubby thinks that he heard Bill going "OHMMMMMMM". Now that was a tender moment

Yelp! Where's Jack?

Jack has been off screen a lot...hopefully he can take a quick shower.

I still have one piece of pizza left, but too much has happened to stop for dinner!

"M", is that how the 25th amendment really works? And in the 24-verse, you can just drop off a case at the Supreme Court? Congress has no role in this? Everyone raises their hands to vote? What if someone had raised their hand because they really had to go to the bathroom? And how did Tom end up as the meeting chair?

Get out! Ricky has been reading the Upanishads! Those sacred texts are read by many yogis! Bill is not CTU's the only seeker of truth.

Too much to comment on...and I'm still convinced that Milo is a bad guy. Why did Ricky destroy evidence? Is it a conspiracy?

Karen, there are consequences to abandoning your job. Stop your whining.

Karen, you NEVER leave your wing man

Never ever ever. Didn't you learn anything from Goose and Maverick? You can't abandon your post and then expect to sashay (my word of the day on my calendar) back into the bunker and be able to help the TEYOP!

aarrrggh 25th Amendment!

Give the TEYOP a shot a adrenaline to raise his blood pressure. Not to mention let's bring him out of a coma that he was only in for a few hours because of SERIOUS brain swelling. I just can't see how this is a good idea for Prinipal Wood, I mean the Prez.

I wonder how Jack's internal bleeding is going? Maybe it's just ecchymosis for both of them!

OK, If I Don't Eat, I'll be a Mean Blogger

"M", you've got to carry me for a bit. I'm eating a messy dinner, can't type for a few minutes...
"M" Says: No problem but maybe some mean comments are in order!! Hee hee.

Bauer Yoga: Buchanan Yoga

Namaste, Jack. The Sanskrit word namaste means, "The Divine Spirit in me bows down to the Divine Spirit in you."

I've actually travelled to places in the world where people use this phrase as a greeting. Imagine what it would be like to hear that greeting every day.

The 24 Blog thanks Tai for pointing out the Sunday NY Times article, "Walk Tightropes. Teach Yoga. Fight Terrorists." , which is about Bill Buchanan, yogi. (I mean, James Morrison, yogi.)

(Good thing, as I cavalierly recycled the Arts & Entertainment section without even reading it; I would have missed it!)

I believe that the best way to truly fight terrorism is by transforming ourselves and how we interact with others. (Which is what yoga is all about.)

And why watch 24, other than the sheer entertainment value of watching stuff blow up, generating compassion for Jack in his WOP, waiting for the next medical interrogation, wondering what Jack's carrying in his man purse, analyzing the women of the 24-verse against the stupid vs. evil paradigm, and awaiting Audrey's return from her Chinese "grave" and her inevitable agreement to set up a perimeter (even though her last known job description was as her dad's secretary)?

As man of the hour** would say, "Dammit! It is so we can transform ourselves and our country into something that looks very, very different than the 24-verse."

Because if Jack liked the way that world looked, he'd just leave well enough alone. (Or maybe kick back and open a yoga studio with Buchanan.)

In the meantime, namaste.

**(for "M", LPK, and Kieferskate, at least!)