Monday, May 24, 2010


Chloe is in charge, Jack is injured and on the loose, having killed Bridezilla and the entire Russian delegation for having had Renee killed (not to mention the President of the Islamic Republic) and taken a toady-ish factotum of Evil Ex-Veep Charles Logan hostage.

Logan has been pulling all of the strings, and Madame President is turning out to be a sociopath who will use any means to achieve her end. Madame POTIR and her daughter have an inkling that all may not be kosher with the peace accord, via the unlikely (and traced) phone call placed by the late POTIR's infidel girlfriend, who has received evidence from Jack.

We're hanging in...not being fans of Lost, we are staying here to see Jack through to the bitter end.
Unlike any other woman who loves Jack, we plan on surviving the evening!

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