Monday, May 24, 2010


Dammit= probably 6
Women Proven Stupid/Evil= Hmmm.
Female Heads of State Behaving to Type = 2
Female Heads of States Coming to Fisticuffs = almost 1
Days of our Lives Devoted to 24 = 7-ish
Handsome Dead Black Men =0 (and none this season, even the guy with the GQ cheekbones made it!)
Predictions true = this season, countless!
World Of Pain = constant. Jack, Chloe, Madame President...everyone is in a world of pain.

Open questions: Will someone really make a feature film from 24? "They" say yes. Should they? And who will show up in it? What happened to Tony? (And can anyone else, like Nina, come back from the dead?) Can we please have the 28 year old president wake up from his comatose state? He's the only one we've seen who can bring dignity and honor back to the fictional office of the President. (Not to mention our fictional law enforcement and armed services communities.) And uh, was there even a Vice President this season? And what happened to Jack's Soho based mercenary friend?

Our family members would like to know why we've devoted a week of our lives to 24. On the other hand, there are countless people who have devoted much more time to Dr.Phil and Oprah.

We have to salute some wonderful acting that sometimes almost made things seem plausible from time to time. (Mostly before this season, that is!)

Sigh. "M" will take a look at this tomorrow and weigh in...

Friends, it has been a slice. Sorry that my battle with Time Warner Cable (and real life, including "M"s newborn) wore into our blogging cycle. We're relieved and sad to let this go...

1 comment:

Relibbed said...

Thanks for joining us Tai! While I was a little absent this season, I've still enjoyed blogging while I could.