Monday, March 26, 2007

Can anyone tell what country that is supposed to be?

Is it just called "Fayed's Country"?


Free10007 said...

It's the country of swarthy good looking terrorists.

All of the guy from Season One of Sleeper Cell (and the cute inmates from Prison Break) are from this country.

lpk said...

Hey Ladies!

Am I too late!!??? I think so! aaaagghhh!!! too busy a day and we just got done with it! (sorta - still have dishes to go!!)

Unfortunately, Jack is being Tviod at our house tonight! This has NEVER happened before???!!! Be afraid. Be very afraid. I don't know what's happening to me. But I will catch it once I beat the kids and husband off to bed!!!! Gotta work fast . Can't take much more today!

I hope you two are enjoying yourselves as usual.

Thanks for your notes back at my blog and yours! And I think I may have your identities worked out. Thanks for the help!

So, "M', working mom, relibbed, and "A', yoga teacher, Free10007, enjoy the show and I'll have to read it tomorrow. When I get done with my next long day!! ( and watching Jack of course!)

P.S. I woke up wanting to try to do a sun salutation, but we had to leave too early this am - 8am, which is a nightmare for homeschoolers!

So didn't have time to look it up on the internet and try and figure it out. I haven't done yoga in ~6years. But I do remember enjoying a good sun salutation, so I thought I would start there.

Any advice is certainly appreciated.

Walk gently, LPK

Free10007 said...

LPK, here's a link to a good piece of sun salutation advice on yoga journal

Here are pics of a sun salutation (I don't agree with some of the alignments...don't have flat hands on the floor in forward bend, don't worry about having heels on the floor in downward the YJ article suggests, modify chaturanga and up dog in the beginning...if you don't have blocks for your hands in forward bend and lunge, improvise with stacks of books or other blocklike things! Be gentle with the hobby hip.)

*Yoga For Dummies* is a great resource for home practice.

Keep the faith!

Relibbed said...

What I would do yoga wise when I didn't make time for a full sun salute is just sit on the edge of my bed when I woke up in the morning with a straight back. Then I would take a deep breath through my nose (I feel a neti segue here and raise my arms over my head. I'd lower my arms and breathe out through my nose. I'd do that a bunch of times. It was a good start :-)

lpk said...

Wow, Thank you Ladies for all the wonderful yoga advice. You yogis are great! So you gave me lots of good resources to check and I'll let you know how it goes. I am taking it slow and easy. As my husband always jokes with me about having to be for instance ,the CAPTAIN of the Yoga team! As I said, "I am a legend in my own mind. Also today is post injury day 5 and my hip hurt worse than ever. So I am still relying on Motrin and a small amt. of muscle relaxant.

Too tired to watch Jack tonight so will catch it tomorrow and then read your most astute and hilarious musings!

I like that bit about my son sounding rather "yogi-ish". I'll tell him that tomorrow. I think he'll get a kick out of it. My son also keeps a very nice blog which is linked at my sight. He's going to start posting some of his fictional writing there soon. Of course I'm being a bragging mom!

My daughter's blog has promise, but she's a bit younger and not really into it like my son is
Well that's all for me. dishes and laundry under control and I'm off to bed!! catch ya later! LPK

Free10007 said...

"M", you never told me about your morning yoga routine.

Feel better, LPK. And do take it easy.