Monday, March 26, 2007

"Viewer Discretion is Advised"

This is a phrase that has so many layers of meaning.

I'm sorry, but if I were truly exercising my discretion, I probably would have quit Jack and the whole Bauer clan sometime in the middle of season one.

Whoops, who is this? Jack's other brother? Or is it the CTU mole? he looks vaguely government issue...oh, he's the guy who has to take care of his handicapped brother, so he needs to do illegal things in order to be able to pay for his rent and care.

Oh, and his brother is some kind of mentally challenged savant who can access files on the CTU mainframe?

"Viewer discretion" indeed!


lpk said...

didn't ya think the brother looked a lot like Ricky Schroeder!

Free10007 said...

Now that you mention it...

Maybe Ricky and Mark are the Bizarro Jack and Graeme!

lpk said...

OMG! That would be a good twist!

Free10007 said...

24 "works" on so many levels and layers.