Monday, April 02, 2007

Another Day In The Bunker: 24 Recap

Another hour of 24. OK, "M", I'll start:

  • Dammit = 0
  • Perimeter = 2
  • Failures (by 2007 standards) of constitutional process >1
  • Severed appendages found lying around in warehouses = 1
  • Women proven to be stupid = 1 (who would conspire to a felony in the Bunker? wouldn't it be wired everywhere?)
  • Women proven to be evil =1
  • Hair gel substitutes identified = 1 (good call on the salt water, "M")
  • Possibly nefarious cover-ups = 2 (Ricky covers for Milo; Tom covers for Evil Veep)
  • Improbable use of family members as high level officials = 1
  • Nukes launched = 1
  • Nukes detonated = 0
  • Use by a 24 cast member of the word "nucular" = 0

And did you guys see the preview? Tivo owners, please check to see if Jack is wearing a vest! "M" swears she saw the velcro.

Other open questions: where is the rest of the surving Bauer family (including Rena Sofer)? Is Logan dead for sure? If so, why no obvious plans for a state funeral? Is the Blonde Toady's name really Lisa? What in tarnation happened to the constitution of the United States between 2007 and 2012?

Is TEYOP going to survive this season??? Why is Chloe so quiet? And will we have to wait for next season to see Audrey again?

"M", when you get back from taking the dog for a W-A-L-K, please weigh in.

In the meantime, I'm putting a perimeter around my was a long day in my real (not virtual) life!


lpk said...

most excellent wrap up as usual. Thank you. I do love your stat keeping, afterall someone has to do this, and I am in no way up to it. So I really appreciate it.

I just can't believe they have let that many sub-plots just drop off the face of the earth, so I'm not even going to think of them because it will just piss me off!

Well it's been a lot of fun as usual ladies!! thanks and same time next week???

OMG! I just realized. Next week Kieferskate will be sitting here with me in my NYC apt. watching 24!! All the way from the Edge of Wales to NYC to watch this show!!!Jeez! It better be good!!!

Anyhow, maybe we'll both sign on for a bit of fun with you all next week during the show. Would that be alright. I don't want to horn in on your thing. So let me know and I think Kieferskate is savy enough to type while watching! Don't know for sure though. and she's already informed me she is going to scream if what we saw on the preview for next week is true!! (I've asked her not to scream in my small apt. and scare the other tenants!)
I don't have my tivio here, but I think he was wearing a vest. So I'm not worried at all.

and even if he wasn't, what's one more bullet in his internally exsanguinating bod!! Keep the faith, LPK

lpk said...

Good Morning Ladies!

I was telling "the hubby" about how fun your blog is. I mentioned how we're all a bit concerned about the preview we saw with poor Jack. "the hubby" wisely pointed out that we really shouldn't worry as even if someone does bust a cap in his $#$, three hours later Jack will arise from the dead!! I can't even believe it will be Easter Sunday next week!!!! So there you have it for what it's worth! Peace Out, LPK

lpk said...

hey ladies,

I just saw you linked me to your blog. That was extremely nice of you in this blog world we seem to have ventured into. Thanks!

I than clicked over to aerophant's (tai) site. Very cool site. I enjoyed reading some old posts. I was afraid to look as this all is definitley "crack in a box" for me! But I just peeked. Most interesting. Thanks for the link! May just have a little read over there too once in a while.

Well I promise not to clog up your site anymore today. I forgot one thing though - You're right Free10007, that name Free must have been pre-ordained for you!! Cool! I just named my first playlist ever on my brand spanking new ipod nano (never had one before!) (pink) Free. cheers! LPK

You know I may be posting so much here, because I still don't feel any blog coming on for my own site. Maybe a little quiet meditation will help with this?

Free10007 said...

LPK, it is delightful to have you "here" and we love your posts. Please post away. "M" will hurl with excitement when she hears this. (She used to say this when we were kids.)

Funny how all of these sites, yours, Tai's, ours, and the hundred gazillion other sites is each a different projection of our "selves" out into the world...we're pleased that you guys link to us...we had initially only placed links related to Jack & TV, but wanted to reciprocate, so came up with the idea of "friends" which I think works beautifully.

So bring it on! Be well, be free. (I hesitate to say be Free...I can only imagine Kiefer with a really bad hairdo in that movie. Possibly needing hair gel, which -- other than Dippety Do -- I don't think had been invented yet. True or false?)

lpk said...

Hey "A" (did I get that right still?)

Thanks for your kind words of invitation. I will be sure to tell Kieferskate to check out your site today and have her get ready for some fun next Monday night with you all! Looking forward to it!!

Dippity Doo!!!! OMG!! We must be the same age!! LOL!! (43)

Your friends of 24 blog is awesome!! strong work!!Kudos!
hobble humbly, LPK

P.S. I'm afraid to even tell you guys my hobby hip has been out getting into trouble again!!!

This time I stepped off a raised black platform box that had the most aswesome electronic drumset I've ever laid eyes on!! I clearly did not recognize the change in elevation as I was tractor-beamed right to it. This of course was in my all time favorite store - Sam Ash Music Percussion Store in Midtown!! Can't walk past there without having a little tap tap on the skins!!

Well I clearly SHOULD HAVE!! because after I was done with my little tap tap (another most excellent hobby of mine!! which I still can't believe how right my Yogi son "P" was), I went to step away from the set and give my cool daughter "B" who has obviously inherited "the Beat" from me a chance and I took a several INCH I tell you, step-off stretching my SLOwLY healing, already traumatized hobby hip.

, which I've just been succesfully starting to strecth out with some cool yoga stretches. This was instantly, and excruciatingly(sp?) painful. However, in trying to remain a cool most excellent drummer who just happened to stop by and wow them all, I quickly regained my balance (It was hard not taking out an entire line of drumsets poised like dominoes I tell you!) and very cooly handed my sticks to "B". Who probably couldn't even tell how much pain was heading straight to my mid-brain at that time!! I really think I pulled it off!

Anyhow, I did look a "little limpy" as we left and immediately hailed a taxi to deliver my limpin' butt back to my apt. where I remained the rest of the night with some motrin, I have NO MORE muscle relaxants!!! (need to write myself a script!!) and a bag of frozen peas in my crotch!!

Jesus !!! Kieferskate was very alarmed at my most recent hobby hip injury and agrees with my husband that I should be wrapped in bubble wrap (or cotton and wool? must be some sort of bloody English thing?)
until she has succesfully navigated to and from NYC for out most excellent adventure!

I have conceded that I will not go riding this Friday as usual for both of our sakes!!

However, It looks like I may have to locate a most excellent, groovy walking stick for myself next week at this rate!!

There! I didn't dare tell you my latest hobby (hoppy) hip story. LPK

KiefersKate said...

I'm here!!!

I loved your wrap up too!! AND I have checked out the preview for next week several times ( the way I get it there are no ads or previews) on and yes he is wearing his bp vest!! Phew!!!

Can't wait to see it next Monday with you all! I'm bringing a gag though, so as not to distress lpk's neighbours too much! And I might get a little 'behind' cos I do get a bit too engrossed.... but I am sure lpk will snap me out of it!

I feel very honoured to be able to partake of it with you, I must say!

And are we talking about 'Free' as of Flashback - he was very cute in that. Slicked back hair with LOTS of gel to start and then it got all floppy once he got pissed and laid!! (shit, can't believe you've got me talking about hair now!!)

And what's so bloody english about cotton wool?!?! I don't care what you wrap yourself up in lpk but please wrap so much around you that you look like you're wearing one of those sumo wrestler costumes!! And take care of yourself... for the next 10 days at least! PLEASE?!

OK, going now. Dinner time. Over and out. Copy that. Ciao!