Monday, April 02, 2007

Is Adrenalin Really The Answer?

Surely they've got more subtle drugs they can prop TEYOP up with.

And way to go, Gradenko, manoevering Fayed into some kind of biker bar! Very sneaky.

But now he's looking awful. Salt water can't feel too good on what is left of his arm. This is kind of sad, he looks horrible! (He can't possibly still do anything bad, can he? Maybe someone Eeeevil is coming to pick him up, they're driving up to the beach on a jet ski?)

Tom, maybe not such a good guy after all. He's going to hold that information on Evil Veep and use it to his advantages.

And "W" is impaired after all! Deciding to launch the nukes, what is up with that?

A surprise ending usually leads to a split screen montage...


lpk said...

ok, now was that the most horrific , frizzy hair death you've ever seen. I kept hoping for a wave to just knock that bad boy's hair down and let him die with some dignity! But noooo that frizzy, hair sticking up all over the place with all the sand, and probably some crabs were climbing in it. Don't you think?

I probably should up my meds. way too much hair talk.

KiefersKate said...

Well if he gets back up.... miracles do happen!!

No way can he survive that! I saw no arterial clips being applied and not even enough 'stump' for a tourniquet!

Nah! Lennox will keep it up his sleeve to help out 'good' rather than 'evil' later in the day... the worm has turned!!

Let's hope 'W' strokes out pretty soon to save us from WWIII!!