Monday, April 23, 2007

"M", I Missed Something

Are you there yet?

Who was Jack announcing himself to?

Aaaagh. Bill is resigning. Is Nadia going to be in charge? WTF? No wonder she's going to be shouting "pursue and engage".

And first dammit, from Nadia, the acting director of CTU. (She and Milo had better stay out of the server room until the guy from Division arrives.)

And now, time for Bill to pick up his vmail, go to the Hotel Coronado and either sacrifice himself to save Jack (Oh, Bill, don't're preternaturally calm, but we like you!) or go rogue with Jack.

"M" Comment... they have no technology in Florida until we got near Ft. Lauderdale. It was horrible not being able to watch On Demand!


KiefersKate said...

So one big question is on which phone number did Jack actually call him on.... can't see CTU allowing him to access his voicemail anymore?!?!?!

Free10007 said...

The whole telecom situation on 24 is silly. How about the terrorist's phone he now much you wanna bet he is picking up emails on that phone later on? (Although we might also bet that Chloe can help him to hack into it. Or maybe he carries duplicate sim cards with him?)

OK, clearly too much of my creativity is going into this train of thought!

KiefersKate said...

Maybe Jack himself is chip&pinned and he just needs to hold a phone to his ear and it just uses the Jack sim card, wireless free, that is stiiched into his wonderfully square ear lobes?!?!?

That must be where he keeps everyones phone numbers too!! Cos he can dial anyone from any phone!!

Free10007 said...

Completely! And excellent point on the phone numbers. He always seems to have a direct line to the current President. (although after the recent whine-a-thon, the White House might have to call block him.)