Monday, April 30, 2007

Oh, Poor Jack!

William, of course, is right. But come on, Awwwwdrey knew what she was signing up for. Everyone knew about Nina, Terry, and the woman from Jack's oil field job.

(Ok, yeah, we don't think that Oil Field woman is dead...but she sure did wind up with an achy breaky heart...not to mention almost losing her son.)

Jack is, for the first time in weeks, certifiably in a WOP.


lpk said...

OMG!!!! Poor Jack is right!! what a world of pain!!! I do feel bad for him, but the writers have even made ME somewhat unsympathetic to Jack this season!!! AAAAGGGHHHH!!!

Free10007 said...

And he whined!!!! He whined to William Devane.

lpk said...

OMG!! Your right A!!! Not only did Jack loose "the component" which he "swore" he would NOT!! I mean if we can't depend on Jack's word, what the hell can we count on!!!!????


KiefersKate said...

No comment.... will not listen to bad things about Jack... going now... his poor broken heart!!

Got my fingers in my ears so I can't hear y'all!!

lpk said...

sorry Kate!