Monday, May 07, 2007

Chivalry isn't dead

Milo really loves Nadia. OOO that is going to leave a mark! I guess Milo wasn't evil. He was just a moody 17 year old boy in a man's body


KiefersKate said...

SO am I the only one that noticed the wig?!? What was up with Milos hair today?

I wreckon if it wasn't a hair gel disaster it was a bullet-proof wig!!

Free10007 said...

His hair did look funny, didn't it.
And actually, the actors *do* do an excellent job with this material...all things considered.

And Milo would look fine bald, don't you think? If the wig is meant to remediate a "situation", I'll have to ask them to please stop and let him go natural.