Monday, May 14, 2007

Dammit and Perimeter!

All in one scene.

And finally, out of the mouths of babes...Josh happened to notice that Grampa is out of his gourd. (He didn't say anything about the hair gel; or about Cheng's apparent need. Cheng, dude, a little dab'll do ya!)

Jack, making the un-Jack Bauer-ish decision to let Cheng go to save Josh. Why does CTU never set the perimeter until after the terrorist slips away? What is the point of the perimeter?

Sigh. I'm starting to miss Awwdrey.


lpk said...

I was just thinking that too!! What the hell good are all these guys always charging in after Jack has shot up the place and all the bad guys have escaped!!!!

Relibbed said...

Bring Back NINA

lpk said...

M you're killin' me!!

Free10007 said...

I can hardly remember season one or two, but I'll bet that Nina knew how to set a perimeter!