Monday, May 21, 2007

Excuse me but

I'm going to go throw UP

If she flat lined that would make up for it


Free10007 said...

Can you say, "World of Pain"????

I knew you could.

lpk said...

Jeez guys!!! how the hell could you keep typing during that?? I just couldn't.

Free10007 said...

We've lost LPK. I hope she hasn't run out of the room for some tissue?

Free10007 said...

We're hard, hard women!

lpk said...

tissues!!!! No f#$%^%$ way!!!! It was pretty lame-o. I couldn't stan Audrey's Sleeping Beauty routine!!!!

Free10007 said...

Ah, ladies, poor Awwdrey can't win for losing. If she weren't so polished, I'd be all over her on the *Quest for Fire* front!