Monday, January 19, 2009


Yawn, this was the dullest episode ever.

Dammit =1
Women proven stupid =1 (Samantha)
Women proven evil = 0
Perimeter = 0
Improbable one on one Presidential foreign policy conversations = 1
Predictions true = 1 (Tai, she called that Brian was eeeevil)
Predictions false = 2 ("A", she thought that Brian was adorable! and that Samantha was evil!)
Dead Black men = 0
Bauer kill count = 0
Bauer faux kill count = 1
Resurrections = 0

No Chloe, no Bill, no Karen, no Eggar Curtis or Nina! No Kim, or other Bauer spawn (i.e. the nephew/son).

I can barely keep my eyes open. (Hopefully Renee won't have the same issue.)

And Craig, "M" and I are remarkably juvenile, but we are Gen Y (sounds better to me than middle aged): we don't ever remember the entire country being so uproarious about an inauguration. A neighbor who was in high school when Kennedy was elected said that she doesn't remember the country being this excited then. "M" is deciding to watch at home or office, and I'm going to City Hall in NYC, to watch on a big screen TV hopefully in the City Council hearing room. More likely on the front lawn, freezing my tuchas off!

God Bless America!

"M", anything to add?

Yes, "M" is actually GenX and was very happy to watch inside in our new little "CTU" room at work in the basement. I think it was the ENTIRE WORLD that was uproarious about this. I did find myself trying to make a 15 year old care last night..... The Faux kill was my favorite for the episode. She's not dead, she will be able to unearth herself, much like Buffy did in Season 5. I believe.

"A" adds, Freudian Slip, we are both Gen X. And haha, "M", another good Buffy tie in. You know who should have played Janeane/Janis? Eliza Dukshu! aka Faith. "M" adds, yes she would not be so mopy and kick total @$$


Craig said...

Are the people really excited, or is this a media-centric excitement? True, many are going to DC, but they are the die-hards.

Also, my wife argues that Mrs. PM counts as a stupid woman for opening the door. I disagree. See my recap in the AM for more.

Free10007 said...

I say yes, if lower Manhattan is any measure. We don't get excited about too much. (The airplane landing on the Hudson was pretty exciting. But I went over there to see it sitting on a barge about 6 blocks from my house, and there was hardly anyone there looking at it.)

But you're on the money about the media. As a financial professional (slash yoga teacher), I see the media's uneducated fear mongering as a damaging part of the market volatility this past fall -- not to mention the role in the inflation of things beyond rational value that created a bubble. So yeah, we've got to watch that.

But I'd rather that they hope monger (about something they are marginally qualified to monger about) than to fear monger!

And Mrs. PM, stupid or evil? Hmmm. We'll note that one. I still don't buy that they didn't at least have those gas masks that buy you 30 minutes of breathing in the so-called safe room.

Thanks for stopping by! We'll be checking your recap (after the inauguration!)