Monday, March 16, 2009

9 - 10 PM recap

Wow, I think the season is finally picking up. New story line introducting a WMD shipement an awesome fight scene... This is what it's all about....

Jack was crying about the loss of his family, but there was no mention of the Spawn of Bauer. Did he end of being Jack's son?

Stolen classic cars = 1 I'm still trying to find what kind of car it is. it was SWEET
Hotwiring of cars = 2 (one was highly improbably since it was a newer truck!)
Dammits = 1 (agent moss is coming through for us)
Perimeters = 0 again! still think that is the reason this is going so badly for them.
New Rogues = 1 (Renee, alas she is in holding)
Resurrections =0 (I want EGGAR!)
Medical Interrogations = 0
Number of times the 25th Amendment should have been invoked = 0
On-point = 1 Go agent Moss
Kills = 2 one of which was a quality kill of Quinn
Women proven evil = 0 (my money's on Olivia)
Women proven stupid = 0 but we have a good case against the prez still
Renee/Moss arguments about Jack = 1 (sorta)
Chloe/Morris arguments about Jack = 1

'M's yoga pose of the day. Look it's the plot of 24! Take it away "A"

Heh, good yoga pose, "M". My only disagreement is on the 25th amendment. I was invoking it myself on grounds that Madame President is totally snowed by her nefarious and really nasty and lipwear-challenged daughter.

At least Tony is back in the game. (And how about Aaron, we need for him to come back soon.)

Hair gel moments =1
and I might request a new category -- lipwear continuity. (But only if I watch on my laptop again.)

(Yo, I can watch Dollhouse on the computer. That might be worth watching again, there was an excellent fight scene in that one, too. And I think that the "Faster Pussycat Kill Kill" head fake is going to be starting to unwind, can't wait to see how we start to get some of the girl power we know Joss is all least my prediction, any other Joss fans out there?)

Bloop, bloop!

And one more prediction?
a) Madame President and Daddgelina have "history" (and Olivia is whose daughter?); or,
b) Daddgelina and Olivia have a thing going on.
c) the obvious "both a, and b"

Check Craig's recap of all of the cars Jack has stolen this season here

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