Monday, March 02, 2009

Recap 3/2 - 1st hour 6 PM - 7 PM

Here is the first recap!
Possible cat fight = 1 my money is on Chloe, not Janis
Dammit =1
Killed by Jack =0
New Rogues = 0
Resurrections =0
Stun Gunning = 4
Stun gunning of an inanimate object =1 now that is going over the line, Jack! I believe that was a cisco phone sniff sniff!
Possibitilty of someone trying to invoke 25th amendment = 1
Dead handome black men = 1
Women proven evil = 0
Women proven stupid = 0
Improbable converastion in the Whitehouse hallway = 1
Number of Tasers left = 127
M's Predictions = Dubaku Jr is going to work with Renee after she tell him how evil the General is

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