Monday, March 09, 2009

Yoga Pose of the Day: Ashtavakrasana

Improbable pretzel logic, much like what is up with tonight's show.

If this guy were in my class, I'd tell him to look down and forward to lengthen the back of his neck, and to smile to relax his jaw. But his hand position indicates good muscular action to the shoulders...and all else is more than optimal.

I'm still working on this pose -- and after my second glass of wine during 24, I busted it out (never recommended, but I am a professional) and did manage it on one side...

Will the first daughter turn out to be crazy (hence the whole attraction to Aaron) vs. stupid, evil, or Chloe? Where the heck is Tony? WTH is with Angelina's dad?

And will Madame President turn out to be the first diva-zen of 24 to be criminally stupid, and therefore evil, kind of by virtue of being so extremely stupid?

1 comment:

Free10007 said...

Welcome back, Tai! Yes, Jon feels a bit disconnected, I can't wait to see how the writers deal with this plot twist.

(Well, I can actually wait, I guess.)