Monday, March 01, 2010

Previously On 24

Well, I didn't think that I'd have internet to post tonight, as I'm out of town. Wrong.

That said, because I had let myself off the hook, I haven't really taken time to remember anything that happened last week.

The first thing that I have to report is that I can't agree more with Tai. Where do the 24 writers get off turning Starbuck -- a real Warrior -- into Bridezilla?

I'm scandalized.

Bridezilla and her Intended both wind up at some place near the Meadowlands where MethHead Kevin and his Bromantic Partner are finally a far too timeconsuming, far too boring and not that interesting plot imbroglio.

Gee, I wonder if that relationship's gonna survive.

Jack, speaking far less clearly than even any man or boy in my life since the age of 7, pledged his "thereness" to Renee. Stupidly, she believed him.

Renee, don't listen to what Jack says. Listen to how he acts. You haven't seen him in years, and now in one day you're an item? You're clinically depressed, possibly psychotic, and he's a grandpa. And he's moving to LA. Soon.

Let him go.

Spoiler alert, and I don't have any funnier or lengthier way of saying this: the other Russian kid buys it. Farhad (aka Bolly Boy) is still in the pic. (Right, or has he bought it yet?) The President of the Islamic Republic (heretofore POTIR) still needs to update his hair at least to meet the stylin' moves of late part of the last century. Doe eyed daughter Faline is going to go all medieval on one of his men if she can't get access to her illicit boyfriend. And Jack Lord's Infidel Girlfriend? Nowhere to be found.

And POTIR still given up on all of his supposed values and world peace (hehe whirld peas) aspirations, and he's torturing and repressing. I can't quite figure out who the actual bad guys are, but they're in cahoots with themselves.

Arlo? Not dead yet. His motive, a mystery but one we don't really care about. (He may have a thing for Cole. Not that there's anything wrong with that. It's his meddling we don't love.)

Yawn, we've finally found out that Hasting's first name is not "You Tool," although he still approximates one. Spoiler alert: It's Bryan. (And my guess? That's how he spells it.)

What would make me happy at this point? (Wait for it.)

Bring back Nina.


Anonymous said...

first of all, hasting's first name is brian. no y. renee, you are one stupid child. JACK IS LIKE 50 YEARS OLDER THAN YOU!!!! jacks awesome, yes we all know, but remember, he IS a grandpa. rememeber that! and hes waaaaaayyyyyyyy too old to wear leather jackets. these things really bother me. a lot. but renee and jack make a great couple. hes tried to kill himself, shes tried to kill herself, it works, you know? but still, shes 30 and hes is OVER 50! and the last episode was bad. oh well.

Relibbed said...

I saw that on the "introductions". Hmm, Jack is about 20 years older than me... okay 10-15, but I'd would date him :-) Sorry Hubby Thanks for visiting.

Relibbed said...

Actually, I wouldn't... He'd never be around and that would be frustrating. Or I guess that is only 1 day a year. I don't know... sigh. Good thing I'm already married heh heh

Free10007 said...

Anon, you're so right, on every point.

The age thing is hilarious. I picked up a *More* magazine (theoretically for women in the 40+ age range) and they had a list of couples they loved. Thumbs up to Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart, no sighting of Demi and Ashton. Hmmm.

And "M", I'm single, but could not imagine the level of desperation I'd have to reach in order to date Jack. (Especially after he lied to that woman who took him in when he was pretending to be an oilfield worker a few seasons ago, the one whose son was needlessly put in danger.)