Monday, April 12, 2010

Pose of the Week: Vaschistasana

This photo, "Ivan in Vaschistasana" is a photo of a man learning the pose, so he's not in total alignment at the time that the photo was snapped. But there is something very noble and beautiful about his effort.

He's got a lot of strength. This pose is hard for men -- especially strong ones like Ivan -- because brute muscular strength actually doesn't help...rather than drawing muscularly towards the center, you need to extend away.

Of course, poor Jack is both tough and tender. He probably rocks Vashistasana.

The pose is named after the sage Vashista, who was also a noble. (Nothing silly about him, just noble.)

(When you google this pose, you find an abundance of photos of one woman in the most interesting turquoise outfit with striped legwarmers. Legwarmers? Uh, what a feeling!)

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