Sunday, January 14, 2007


Another exciting two hours of our lives!! What possibly could happen next?!?

Maybe the little man saw too much of 24. He didn't want to go to sleep. Finally he did. I think he is concerned about setting up the Perimeter!!

Tomorrow should be a better blogging day for me. The little man was a little off his schedule. "A" better be careful in mentioning "poopie," you know what happens when you get on the phone with a new mom, don't you?!? Why should blogging be any different LOL

Have good night


Free10007 said...

We're both going to feel badly if his word is "perimeter".

And I, for one, will feel even worse if he plunges a knife into the kneecap of one of his day care buddies.

Free10007 said...

And I should have said it this morning...Buddhist psychology says that thousands of impressions are made on our minds every *second*.

Little Man, stay away from the TV!

Maybe we'll have to get you a sitter.