Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Jack's Man Purse

You too can have this Jack Bauer style man purse for less than $30! I think some of the other bags are pretty cool. I hope the hubby doesn't see the neat black backpack. He will want it! He has a bag issue :-)


lpk said...

Hey M,

I love those bags. Thanks for putiing up a website for them.

You probably won't believe this, but my hubby has a "bag issue" too!

He also has a office stationary thing going!

Free10007 said...

I wonder if Jack wears Smartwool socks? Don't you think they would kind of "go" with the Man Purse?

Free10007 said...

(I must confess to my own office stationery thing. I'm positively addicted to those colored clear plastic file folders!)

lpk said...

Noooo???!! The clear colored ones? ok. He has a walk in closet in his office that is like an Office MAX!!

Hope you two are well. I've only been able to practice a few gentle deep breaths in am as M suggested. Haven't even had a chance to look at sun salutation site you gave me. but I know it;s there and hope to get to it soon.

I'm off to NYC with the fam for a week, then I come home for two days and then back down for a week by myself with my friend Kieferskate from Wales,UK. So I'll be taking my show on the road again. Don't think I'm bringing the mug this trip!

Cheers!! Catch you all Monday night if I'm lucky!! LPK

Relibbed said...

I think Jack may be more or a birkenstock kinda guy on his days off.

LPK, do what you can yoga wise, even just thinking about yoga (closing my eyes and visualizing it before I get out of bed) helps me!

Free10007 said...

Yes! The clear colored ones! (I can see a several around my desk area as I type.)

For sure Jack won't do birkenstocks and smartwool simultaneously.

(Eggar might have. Sigh, I miss Eggar.)

Be easy on yourself, LPK. And I agree with "M", even visualizing is beneficial.