Monday, March 12, 2007

Lost My Last Post!

Having some computer issues, no doubt due to the cleanup period after Mercury retrograde!

Martha, crazy but not stupid, didn't want to be blowed up.

Ricky Schroeder and Jack encounter one another for the first time. (On 24 at least. They must have been in something together at some point in the 80s.)

So what is the upshot of the whole thing? The whole thread of the dysfunctional Bauer family has been dropped for now. We don't know why the Russians and Chinese are all of a sudden the bad guys.

Are there any good guys on 24? Our own government is riddled with corrupt people who behave in truly evil ways. It is only the solid work of Jack and his cohorts that keeps things together. The really good guys like Aaron are also a credit to this fine TV version of our nation.

I heard a Podcast today about an article in NRDC's On Earth magazine about people doing good works in the Second Life online community. (Metaverse?) It is a place where people create avatars and live online lives. A psychologist interviewed posited that participants are choosing to live their best lives online via Second Life. While some of this has to do with everyone wanting to be better looking, there are also people creating wildlife refuges and other good works.

One of the points of the story is that if people are spending time 40 hours a month online in Second Life, how will they do good works in real life? At least they are doing something positive somewhere! If someone is nice to you in Second Life, you probably won't log off and kick the dog.

It occurs to me that this is a valuable counter to TV, which is coming to represent so much that isn't so nice about us. (We have a TV running 18 hours a day in our kitchen at work, ostensibly on approved financial channels (since it is a bank)...sometimes it is tuned to Fox News and I just have to switch the channel to CNBC for a breath of fresh air!)

But I digress.

Oh yeah. List:

"Dammit" = 1
Perimeter = 1 (the Russians)
Jack's in a WOP = 1 (when he was holding the Russian chick hostage)
Black men dead today = 0 (that we know of, it is tough to tell who the Russians killed)
Significant smolderly glances = 0
Presidential Assasination Attempts = 1
True pause to wonder: stupid or evil = 0 (we know the evil Veep's Blonde Toady is evil, too)
Commercial venues proven to still be open for business after a nucular explosion = 1 (Martha's grocery store)

And why are the terrorists always so darn good looking! ??? (Except for Gradenko. He's not my type. I like the clean close shave of a Fayed.)

Neither "M" nor her DH made an appearance tonight. And wait a minute, that's not fair! How can she write next week's "Previously on 24" post? (I mean, she did TiVO it. I guess she can watch later...)

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