Saturday, April 21, 2007

Bill Maher on Jack

The Hubby found this: Bill Maher on Sacrifice.

It's an interesting bit. I laughed. Here is part of what made me laugh. I guess now he is up to making me laugh 3x in the past two days.

"...And yet no one asks the tough questions, like "Is torture necessary?", "Who will watch the watchers?" and "When does Jack Bauer go to the bathroom?" (Laughter.) I mean, it's been five years–is he wearing one of those astronaut diapers?..."

See the comments on We're Not The Only Ones Who Think Jack's Very Bad Day is a Very, Very Bad Day! for what else made me laugh tonight!


Free10007 said...

It looks like the site we're linking to (Crooks & Liars) has a blogger problem...there's a lot of blank space on the page, and you (currently) have to scroll way down on the page in order to see the post.

I've had this happen before with blogger, and couldn't find a rational reason it had happened...wound up deleting and adding stuff back about a million times to fix it...

Free10007 said...

I'll also add that Maher is clearly not a true 24 fan...I've noted several occasions for Jack to take care of business. He even showed up showered and shaved twice this season.

(M" probably even thought he was cute just out of Chinese prison, but I have to say, he looks much better when he's cleaned up.)

lpk said...

I'm with M!!