Sunday, April 08, 2007

Maybe Action Figure Jack and Barbie's Ken Can Share

Shopping the internet for a tiny little man purse for action figure Jack, I found some old news in the blogosphere: Barbie's boy-toy got a makeover last year, including a man-purse.

(Note to self: chalk this internet shopping trip up to the most useless form of procrastination ever. At least doing hand laundry yields clean sweaters.)

Ken is undeniably a doll, not an action figure. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

OK, "M" and Friends of The 24 Blog. Barbie: stupid or evil?

(Photo of Ken from The Satchel Pages, a blog devoted to, guess what, the man purse!)


Free10007 said...

Ladies, have fun...

I prefer to think of Ken as as "metrosexual" (per Merriam-Webster online, "a usually urban heterosexual male given to enhancing his personal appearance by fastidious grooming, beauty treatments, and fashionable clothes").

I can't name a planet where people dress like New Ken. Maybe on one of the Star Trek spinoffs.

Seriously, though, I can't name any gay male family members or friends (or straight ones) who would be caught dead in Ken's outfit.

"M" and I lost an uncle to AIDS some years back...but I think he'd agree (he certainly wouldn't have been caught alive in that outfit...and he'd probably resist in death, as well.)

He loved pop culture. As a kid, I remember some of his saltier observations, which can still make me laugh uproariously. I wish he was here to watch 24 with us. He'd surely have an opinion about it. At least one. (If you're old enough, you might remember when Lynda Carter was Wonder Woman..he had a hilarious riff on that.)

And as for Barbie, I'll say that my mom was right (and ahead of her time) in not wanting me to have one. I was totally unable to find an online Barbie that could stand in for Nina.

lpk said...

Dear A,

loved your clarification of Ken and the metrosexual stuff. Yeah, Ken and Barbie are just off the charts!! Star Trek Spin-off. HA!! Good one!

Sorry to hear about your uncle dying of such a horrible disease. I have worked through too many horribly, sad deaths of many wonderful people/patients/friends from this terrible disease. AS a medic the case that stands out most, is carrying a patient all maybe 60 lbs. of him, that I came to know,out of his house for the very last time wrapped in his comforter.

I in no way meant to toss the word "fag" around in a bad way, just maybe in a fun, flaming way!

I surely do remember Wonder Woman and can only imagine the fun you all had with her (knowing a bit about your humor now!)

I did grow up with Barbies as they seemed to alsways "fall off the trucks" my father drove. (He was a New York Teamster) Actually we always had the best Barbie collection, complete with newst jet airplane, camper, you name it! My sister and I had it. I must admit I did buy my daughter "B" a Barbie when she was about 4 yrs. old. I wished I could do something else, but we are creatures of habit!! Happy to report she announced at about 7 years old that "She was getting out of Barbie's". So it all worked out in the end (that is if you call American Girl Doll - working out?) oh well.

So Kate and I are having a great time, talking mostly. Just had a lovely stroll along the Hudson up by the W.79th street Boat Basin, which is about where I live.

Just checking our computer "stuff", showering and out the door off to Chelsea, Greenwich Village, East Village, then back home to hook up with yoiu guys tonight! Catch ya then! Cheers!!! LPK

Free10007 said...

The pull of Barbie is irresistable to many, I guess. My mom wouldn't buy me one, but I saved my allowance and Christmas gift money and bought one for myself!

More later.

Free10007 said...

LPK...funny that you can meet such nice people online. (I think it is safe to assume that Kate the Ripper won't even rip a seam!)

"M" and I just wanted to crack ourselves up, laffing (as she would say) about this unreal but brutally violent show.

Your image of carrying your patient out of his house for the last time is so touching, sad, and hopeful. May we all -- when the time comes -- leave this place surrounded by kindness.