Monday, February 23, 2009


Women Proven Stupid =1
Women Proven Evil =1
Women Proven Stupid and Evil =1
Dammit =1
Server Room Fatalities =1
Killed by Jack =0
New Rogues =0

OK, next week Juma's men storm the White House? Um, I'm not sure I can make it through the season.

And next week is a 2 hour episode?

(And I didn't make it to aikido class tonight, I have a cold. Hopefully next week.)


Craig said...

Did Marika believe Dubaku when she was reunited with him? Or was that just a ploy to not get killed? Either way, you go girl for redeeming yourself by causing that crash.

Free10007 said...

You're so right, Craig. Thanks so much for noticing a Woman Power moment.

Now Marika, she proved herself to be a warrior.

Free10007 said...

Yes, and I'm upset that the first woman of 24 (in my memory) to be both stupid and evil was killed before we could truly plumb the depths of her character.

(I'm a stickler for meaning, too. It can't just be that the other writers got jobs as hedge fund managers during the writers strike. Though if that is the case, thankfully many of them should be able to come back to 24 again soon.)