Monday, February 23, 2009

Yoga Pose Of The Day: Warrior II

This is from a website called Bush Yoga.

And it is to honor the real warriors, the ones that don't act like Jack did in tonight's episode!

It's not just that you save the world. How you do it counts.


Free10007 said...

although if Bush Yogi were in my class, I'd have to instruct him to press the back side of his left foot into the floor. If he were real, and not a plastic doll, staying in the position he's in would compromise his knee joint. (And after that, his hip.)

Free10007 said...

Yes, the gaze counts.

Tai, thanks for being here!

Free10007 said...

And you know what, on reflection (which is scaring me a little bit, I was actually reflecting on 24 when not in front of the TV or the computer), I'm a little worried about Jack for the way he was so careless with Marika, treating her like she was a piece of furniture.

Maybe I shouldn't be annoyed with Jack, but a bit worried about him?

Maybe Renee was right to slap him, though not to vent her anger or to punish him, but to jolt him out of what might be depression. He really is not living true to all of Jack's values.

Memo to Renee: slapping won't help with this much. Therapy, yoga, a supportive family/community, and possibly some medication will be more effective.